Plan International: Child proof the world!
The world is not a safe home for all children – especially not for girls. Every day, Plan International does everything it can to change that. Their work spans from emergency aid in war zones to long-term advocacy with world leaders and challenging age-old traditions.
Plan’s new concept and message encapsulate their vital efforts across the globe while also serving as a call to action for all of us: Let’s childproof the world – now!
We wanted Plan’s visual identity to convey both urgency and action. While Plan primarily focuses on long-term issues and preventative work through education and advocacy, their capacity for delivering emergency aid in conflict zones has recently been strengthened.
To distinguish themselves from other aid organizations that often use blue – such as UNICEF, the Childhood Cancer Fund, and UNHCR – we introduced a bold pink. Combined with Plan’s blue, we created a striped pattern inspired by crime scene tape, often used in dangerous or restricted areas. This pattern symbolizes danger, urgent action, and a clear warning.
By using pink and blue, we strengthen the connection to children, as the color combination conveys innocence and playfulness. However, when paired with the striped pattern, this playfulness transforms into a serious warning about the vulnerability of children.
Block the oven door, cover the electrical outlets, pad the table edges, ensure they have food and clean water, deliver medicines on time, find shelters during bomb attacks, stop female genital mutilation and forced marriages, challenge millennia-old traditions, and demand change from world leaders. Become a disaster sponsor with the children’s rights organization Plan International and help us make the world safer for children. Now!